Viagra and medication alternatives

Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction are often touted as ‘miracle cures’, but do not provide any long term improvements. Medication is available on the NHS for Erectile Dysfunction and there are also some over the counter treatments, however all of these rely on a chemical solution - rather than a natural, drug-free option.

Short term cures

Viagra is the most well-known treatment for ED, but is available via prescription only. Moreover, it does not offer any long term benefits for ED sufferers - and some find that they become reliant on the little blue pill to achieve an erection.  Vacuum pumps and penis pumps are recognised by the NHS as a safe and effective cure for erectile dysfunction. They are a natural alternative to medications or drug based treatments. The NHS has stated that vacuum pumps are successful as a solution to erectile dysfunction in 90% of cases.

As with many chemical short term cures, Viagra has side effects. Viagra can cause stomach upset, flushing, muscle and back pain, headaches and blurry vision. It is not suitable for anyone who suffers from chest or heart conditions. If you have issues with high or low blood pressure, Peyronie's disease (curvature of the penis shaft), stomach problems, or any blood diseases (such as sickle cell anaemia), then Viagra or other drugs are unlikely to be suitable. Before embarking on any medication you should, of course, discuss with your GP, who will be able to recommend the best course of treatment.

A non-chemical solution

Vacuum pumps or ‘penis pumps’ are increasingly recommended to ED sufferers as a natural, non-chemical cure for their erectile problems. Struggling to ‘get it up’ can be as a result of a variety of causes, both physical and psychological. A vacuum penis pump works simply on the mechanics of the problem. Men often prefer this solution as it is a good ‘natural’ training step towards a stronger penis. Many find that they can move on from the vacuum pump after its success, whilst others prefer to continue using it.

It is even used by those without erectile dysfunction as an ‘exerciser’, in the same way one might use a training band to build penis elasticity and promote growth. Penis pumps are portable and discreet, coming with the option of either battery or manual pumps. They simply fix to the base of the penis and use air suction to naturally generate an erection or encourage a partial erection.

To find out more about the mechanics of a penis pump, and why it provides such a great natural alternative to Viagra or other medication, then visit our Erectile Dysfunction pumps page. Alternatively, we have more information about Erectile Dysfunction on the information page. All of our products are shipped in safe, discreet and secure packaging.