Step-by-Step: Using the SurErec Tension Ring

Step 1 - Remove the gray insert from the end of the cylinder provided with your Vacuum Therapy System and place the SurErec ring on the end of the cylinder like a cap or a lid.

Note: DO NOT USE the Ring Loader with SurErec Tension Rings

Step 2 - Apply lubricant to the surface around the center of the SurErec ring opening as well as to the entire head of the penis.

Step 3 - Place the head of the penis against the opening of the SurErec ring, making certain the Uretheral Notch is on the bottom and the removal grips are on the sides.

Step 4 - Operate the vacuum pump by squeezing the handle or pressing the power button on the pump handle. This will remove air from the cylinder and also draw the penis into the cylinder. Allow the penis to be drawn through the opening in the SurErec ring and into the cylinder until the ring is positioned near the base of the penis.

Step 5 - Pump slowly for several seconds. Slow down or stop if you feel any discomfort. Pause to let the blood flow into your penis. Continue pumping until your penis becomes erect and lifts off the cylinder floor and is firm enough for intercourse.

Step 6 - Press the green vacuum release buton and pull the SurErec ring off the cylinder, so the ring remains positioned at the base of the penis. CAUTION: Do not leave the Tension Ring on longer than 30 minutes. Allow 60 minutes between uses.

Step 7 - Remove the SurErec Tension ring after sexual activity by pulling the Removal Grips outward, away from the penis. Hold the grips in this position until the penis loses some firmness. Then slowly pull the ring forward and off your penis. Additional lubricant may be needed to aid in removal.

Step 8 - Wash the SurErec ring with warm soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly for storage until next use.